“It is not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.”
Rapid advances in Information and Communication Technologies are changing the library and information services drastically. Besides this, expectations of the users have also risen manifold. Libraries are not mere spaces anymore; they are much more than that. It has become a challenge for library management to keep pace with changing information, packaging and delivery methods on one hand and meet the user expectations on the other. Mahavir Senior Model School has been trying to do the same over the years and as per feedback from its patrons has been quite successful in this venture.
Our library not only proactively work on its collection building but also put lot of emphasis on facilities for users. We have 2 libraries, one for the Juniors (1-5) and other for seniors (6-12) classes, both libraries are well furnished and facilitated. MSMS Libraries have active collection of over 10,500 books which includes fiction, non-fiction of different genres, picture books, G K / Current affairs, moral values and reference resources like Encyclopaedia’s, Dictionaries of different subjects, Guinness world record/ Limca book of records, personality development, spiritual reading and a good collection of biographies for students and teachers for their personal and professional development.
We are subscribing 35 magazines/periodicals and 5 daily newspapers. Our entire library collection is computerized, and all the staff members are competent enough to provide user services as per requirement.
Different activities and services organised by library staff:
*we are providing E-materials like- E-books , E- magazines , audio visuals, videos, PPTs, PDFs in a timely manner.
* Updation of all the latest information regarding books and reading materials.
* Each student is allowed to issue two books at a time for maximum period of 15 days.
* Library Department is also extending its utmost co-operation in excess of COMPUTER NETWORKING/INTERNET for all the students as well as for the staff.
*During library periods different library activities like Shared reading, Buddy reading and interaction session, were held.
*We have celebrated birth anniversaries and festivals of the month like Mahavir Jayanti, Gandhi Jayanti, Eco-friendly Diwali, Christmas and New year. Students were asked to prepare slogans The, make posters and cards, skit competitions, enact the characters of different famous personalities, poem competitions, share the anecdote from the life of famous dignitaries.
*Special events like 2 book fairs in a year.
* Display of library collection cum book exhibition for students and staff.
*class room library system for 1st and 2nd classes.
* Special reading hour for parents on every working Saturday (except 2nd Saturday) from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. During this period parents can visit, interact with us and explore the library collection and get issued books/magazines of their interest from the library.
The library staff continuously strives keep its resources and services updated in the interest of the entire school community.
Last but not the east, I on behalf of library staff would like to extend heartfelt gratitude towards the Management, Director Sir and Principal Ma’am for always encouraging us to organize such events and for being the constant source of motivation.