Guidelines for Parents

The school and the home share a joint responsibility for the healthy development of children. This is a function of the quality time children spend at school and at home. While we fulfill our responsibility at school, we request you to consider the following:

  • Take keen interest in every day experiences of your child at school. Interact with him/her about what they do at school.
  • Be a patient listener and express interest in your child's development.
  • Be encouraging and supportive about every positive initiative your child takes. Know your child's likes and dislikes.
  • Help your child differentiate between desirable and undesirable behaviour. Help him / her to recognize and adopt alternative behaviour for every undesirable behaviour.
  • Patiently carry out a dialogue with your child about his/her mistakes.
  • Try to maintain a continuum between home and school while disciplining your child.
  • Adopt a positive attitude towards every new activity that your child participates at school.
  • Be available for your child when he/she needs your support and guidance.
  • Limit the hours of viewing television and engage them in active outdoor play activities.
  • Trust your child and give him/her unconditional positive regard. Parent / authorized guardians are expected to carry the parent I-Card when they come to collect the child from bus stop or school premises, failing which the child will not be handed over.
  • Both Parents are requested to attend the Parent-Facilitator Interactions and all events of the school where their presence is expected. Presence is requested by the scheduled time.

Code of conduct for Parents/Guardians
No parent/guardian shall -

  • propagate anti-school activities;
  • create unethical situation in school while mobilizing - projecting parents association;
  • indulgence in showing disrespect to the teachers, staff and functionary of the School;
  • remain absent to attend PTM organized by the school;
  • encourage their ward :
    • to have personal mobile phone;
    • to drive any vehicle;
  • to criticize the teachers, staff and functionary of the school in front of their ward;
  • the breach of any condition specified as above shall be deemed to be a breach of the Code of Conduct and the parents/guardian shall be liable to get a certificate of censure from the Head of the school after giving them reasonable opportunity of showing cause and considering the representation thereof, for which 15 days period to be given in the show cause notice.
  • to arrange the mode of conveyance for their wards for to and fro from the residence to school and vise-versa, which being the full responsibility of the parents.
  • to deploy the mode of conveyance with proper satisfaction to carry out the vehicle to be deployed on road fulfilling the conditions laid down by the Courts, Department. of Education and Department of transport.
  • to hesitate to perform the duty in rotation with other parents to be in the vehicle deployed for the students for to and fro from residence to school and vise-versa.

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